Soil quality and carbon sequestration under conservation agriculture with balanced nutrition in intensive cereal-based system Author: Parihar CM, Singh AK, Jat SL, Dey A, Nayak HS, Mandal BN, Saharawat YS, Jat ML, Yadav OP Publication: Soil and Tillage Research Year: 2020
Agroecology and Climate Change: A case study of the CCAFS Research Program Author: Andrieu N, Kebede Y Publication: CCAFS Working Paper Year: 2020
Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes From Maize Production Under Different Soil Fertility Management Practices in East Africa Author: Macharia JM, Pelster DE, Ngetich FK, Shisanya CA, Mucheru-Muna M, Mugendi DN Publication: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences Year: 2020
Livestock Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Ethiopia by region: a graphic summary Author: Bateki C, Wilkes A, Wassie SE Publication: CGSpace: A Repository of Agricultural Research Outputs Year: 2021
Methane Emission Factors from Vietnamese Rice Production: Pooling Data of 36 Field Sites for Meta-Analysis Author: Vo TBT, Wassmann R, Mai VT, Vu DQ, Bui TPL, Vu TH, Dinh QH, Yen BT, Asch F, Sander BO Publication: Climate Year: 2020
Soil greenhouse gas emissions from inorganic fertilisers and recycled oil palm waste products on Indonesian oil palm plantations Author: Rahman N, Bruun TB, Giller KE, Magid J, van de Ven G, de Neergaard A Publication: Global Change Biology Year: 2019
Maize crop nutrient input requirements for food security in sub-Saharan Africa Author: Ten Berge HFM, Hijbeek R, van Loon MP, Rurinda J, Tesfaye K, Zingore S, Craufurd PQ, van Heerwaarden J, Brentrup F, Schröder JJ, Boogaard HL, de Groot HLE, van Ittersum MK Publication: Global Food Security Year: 2019
Soil greenhouse gas emissions from inorganic fertilisers and recycled oil palm waste products on Indonesian oil palm plantations Author: Rahman N, Bruun TB, Giller KE, Magid J, van de Ven G, de Neergaard A Publication: Global Change Biology Year: 2019
Matching policy and science: Rationale for the ‘4 per 1000 – soils for food security and climate’ initiative Author: Soussana J-F, Lutfalla S, Ehrhardt F, Rosenstock TS, Lammana C, Havlík P, Richards M, Wollenberg E, Chotte J-L, Torquebiau E, Ciais P, Smith P, Lal R Publication: Soil and Tillage Research Year: 2019
SECTOR: Source-selective and Emission-adjusted GHG Calculator for Cropland Author: Wassmann R, Pasco R, Zerrudo J, Bach Thi Vo T Publication: International Rice Research Institute Year: 2019