Estimating GHG emissions in agriculture: A manual to address data requirements for developing countries
This manual, authored and published by FAO, provides countries with a tool and methodology to help identify, build and access the minimum set of activity …read more
Low-cost quantification of greenhouse gas emissions in smallholder agro-ecosystem: a comparative analysis of methods
Quantification of greenhouse gas (GHG) exchanges between agricultural field and the atmosphere is essential for understanding the contribution of various production systems to the total …read more
The Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF) Field Guide
The Land Degradation Surveillance Framework was developed as a response to the lack of methods for systematic landscape-level assessment of soil and ecosystem health. The methodology …read more
Reducing emissions from Kenya’s dairy sector
Key stakeholders meet to initiate the development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Kenya’s dairy industry. Story originally published on the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) …read more
Focus on reducing emissions intensity of livestock
How can livestock be part of a climate-smart future while enabling future food security for farmers and consumers around the globe? The CGIAR Research Program …read more