Greenhouse gas emission analyses from nine agricultural development projects reveal mitigation options
Analyses show that some agricultural practices contribute to improved food security and climate change mitigation; practices adopted at large scales could contribute significantly to food …read more
What is CGIAR doing on soil carbon and climate change?
Increasing soil carbon would benefit food security and mitigate climate change, but more research is needed about how to sustainably manage the soil for carbon …read more
Guidance for Standardized GHG Assessment of Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Projects
New guidance document by FAO’s EX-ACT team is tailored to the needs of finance institutions, multilateral and bilateral donors and their implementing agencies, international organizations and …read more
Genetic mitigation strategies to tackle agricultural GHG emissions: The case for biological nitrification inhibition technology
Accelerated soil-nitrifier activity and rapid nitrification are the cause of declining nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) and enhanced nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from farming. Biological nitrification inhibition …read more