Much to gain from reducing food loss and waste in Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania
Food loss and waste drains $940 billion from the global economy each year. The private sector, with support from government and partners, can change that. …read more
Food loss and waste drains $940 billion from the global economy each year. The private sector, with support from government and partners, can change that. …read more
CCAFS and the Global Research Association (GRA) hosted two webinars for the CLIFF-GRADS program. The sessions highlighted student research where students presented their research. Discussions …read more
Food loss and waste drains $940 billion from the global economy each year. The private sector, with support from government and partners, can change that. …read more
Abstract There has been much debate about the uncertainties associated with the estimation of direct and indirect agricultural nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in developing countries …read more
Summary Report Approximately 300 scientists and stakeholders from government, public administrations, industry and farmer organizations from over 50 countries gathered in Berlin for the “International …read more
The new MRV Platform for Agriculture provides information to guide measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems for agricultural emissions and mitigation, such as for Nationally Appropriate …read more