Manure, biogas digestate and crop residue management affects methane gas emissions from rice paddy fields on Vietnamese smallholder livestock farms Author: Vu Qde Neergaard ATran THoang QLy PTran TJensen L Publication: Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht Year: 2015
Smallholder African farms in western Kenya have limited greenhouse gas fluxes Author: Pelster DE, Rufino MC, Rosenstock T, Mango J, Saiz G, Diaz-Pines E, Baldi G, Butterbach-Bahl K Publication: Biogeosciences Discuss Year: 2015
Targeted management of organic resources for sustainably increasing soil organic carbon: observations and perspectives for resource use and climate adaptations in northern Ghana Author: Heve WK, Olesen J, Chirinda N, Adiku S Publication: Taylor & Francis Group Year: 2015
Climate change adaptation, greenhouse gas mitigation and economic profitability of conservation agriculture: Some examples from cereal systems of Indo-Gangetic Plains Author: Sapkota TB, Jat ML, Aryal JP, Jat RK, Khatri-Chhetri A Publication: Journal of Integrative Agriculture Year: 2015
Is conservation agriculture ‘climate-smart’ for maize farmers in the highlands of Tanzania? Author: Kimaro AA, Mpanda M, Rioux J, Aynekulu E, Shaba S, Thiong'o MMutuo P, Abwanda S, Shepherd K, Neufeldt H, Rosenstock TS Publication: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Year: 2015