Manure, biogas digestate and crop residue management affects methane gas emissions from rice paddy fields on Vietnamese smallholder livestock farms Author: Q Vu, A Neergard, T Tran, Q Hoang, P Ly, T Tran, L Jensen Publication: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Year: 2015
Tillage, residue and nitrogen management effects on methane and nitrous oxide emission from rice–wheat system of Indian Northwest Indo-Gangetic Plains Author: T Sapkota, ML Jat, V Shankar, L Singh, M Rai, MS Grewal, C Stirling Publication: Journal of Integrative Environmental Science Year: 2015
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and manure application on storage of carbon and nitrogen under continuous maize cropping in Arenosols and Luvisols of Zimbabwe Author: L Mujuru, L Rusinamhhodzi, J Nyamangara, MR Hoosebeek Publication: The Journal of Agricultural Science Year: 2015
Targeted management of organic resources for sustainably increasing soil organic carbon: observations and perspectives for resource use and climate adaptations in northern Ghana Author: WK Heve, J Olesen, N Chirinda, S Adiku Publication: Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science Year: 2015
Effects of land cover on ecosystem services in Tanzania: A spatial assessment of soil organic carbon Author: Leigh Winowiecki, Tor-Gunnar Vågen, Jeroen Huising Publication: Geoderma Year: 2016
Guidance for Standardized GHG Assessment of Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Projects Author: Andreas Wilkes, Louis Bockel, and Uwe Grewer Publication: Food and Agriculture Organization Year: 2016
Nitrous oxide emissions along a gradient of tropical forest disturbance on mineral soils in Sumatra Author: Fitri Khusyu Aini, Kristell Hergoualc'h, Jo U. Smith, Louis Verchot Publication: Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment Year: 2015
Reviews and syntheses: Soil N2O and NO emissions from land use and land-use change in the tropics and subtropics: a meta-analysis Author: Jeffrey van Lent, Kristell Hergoualc'h, Louis Verchot Publication: Biogeosciences Year: 2015
Diurnal patterns of methane emissions from paddy rice fields in the Philippines Author: Sebastian Weller, David Kraus, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Reiner Wassmann, Agnes Tirol-Padre, and Ralf Kiese Publication: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Year: 2015
Guidelines for measuring CH4 and N2O emissions from Rice Paddies by a manually operated closed chamber method Author: Kazunori Minamikawa, Takeshi Tokida, Shigeto Sudo, Agnes Padre, Kazuyuki Yagi Publication: National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences Year: 2015