Global Warming Potential* (GWP*): Understanding the implications for mitigating methane emissions in agriculture Author: Costa C, Wironen M, Racette K, Wollenberg EK Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2021
Countries’ commitments to soil organic carbon in Nationally Determined Contributions Author: Weise-Rozanova LD, Wollenberg EL, Alćantara-Shivapatham V, Richards MB, Shelton SW, Hönle SE, Heidecke C, Madari BE, Chenu C Publication: Climate Policy Year: 2021
Global high-resolution gridded dataset of N2O Emission and mitigation potential from maize and wheat fields Author: Tasfay K, Takele R, Sapkota TB, Khatri-Chhetri A, Solomon D, Stirling C, Alabnito F Publication: Data in Brief Year: 2021
Towards an evidence-based approach to agroecology and climate change adaptation and mitigation in low- and middle-income countries: A rapid evidence review Author: Snapp S, Kebede Y, Wollenberg E Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2021
Reorienting emissions research to catalyse African agricultural development Author: Rosenstock TS, Wilkes A Publication: Nature Climate Change Year: 2021
Agroecology and climate change rapid evidence review: Performance of agroecological approaches in low- and middle- income countries Author: Snapp S, Kebede Y, Wollenberg E, Dittmer KM, Brickman S, Egler C, Shelton S Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2021
Optimizing the use of open chambers to measure ammonia volatilization in field plots amended with urea Author: Martins MR, Sarkis LF, Sant'Anna SAC, Santos CA, Araujo KE, Santos RC, Araújo ES, Alves BJR, Jantalia CP, Boddey RM, Zaman M, Urquiaga S Publication: Pedosphere Year: 2021
A simple and easy method to measure ammonia volatilization: Accuracy under field conditions Author: Martins MR, Sarkis LF, Guareschi RF, Santos CA, Sant'Anna SAC, Zaman M, Jantalia CP, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Araújo ES, Urquiaga S Publication: Pedosphere Year: 2021
Model Comparison and Quantification of Nitrous Oxide Emission and Mitigation Potential from Maize and Wheat Fields at a Global Scale Author: Tesfay K, Takele R, Sapkota TB, Khatri-Chhetri A, Solomon D, Stirling C, Albanito F Publication: Science of the Total Environment Year: 2021
La importancia de los árboles: Rendición de cuentas sobre las contribuciones de los sistemas silvopastoriles a los inventarios nacionales de GEI Author: Suber M, Arango J, Torres CF, Rosenstock Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2020