Investing in the capacity of young climate scientists is crucial for improving climate change mitigation in developing countries. With a new research grant, the Climate, Food and Farming Network seeks to boost mitigation research and practice alike.
The Climate, Food and Farming (CLIFF) Network announced research grants for eight new students in January. In March, the grant recipients met with experts in their areas of study, refined their research plans, and shared experiences from the field research and PhD studies at an inception workshop. In addition, the winners attended the Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture in Montpellier, France.
At the workshop, the students also learned about the Standard Assessment of Mitigation Potential and Livelihoods in Smallholder Systems (SAMPLES) programme and strategic research initiatives. Moreover, they received technical input from SAMPLES scientists. Professor Jørgen E. Olesen from Aarhus University, Denmark presented principles and methodological approaches of climate change mitigation in developing countries. Continue reading.