A simple and easy method to measure ammonia volatilization: Accuracy under field conditions Author: Martins MR, Sarkis LF, Guareschi RF, Santos CA, Sant'Anna SAC, Zaman M, Jantalia CP, Alves BJR, Boddey RM, Araújo ES, Urquiaga S Publication: Pedosphere Year: 2021
Model Comparison and Quantification of Nitrous Oxide Emission and Mitigation Potential from Maize and Wheat Fields at a Global Scale Author: Tesfay K, Takele R, Sapkota TB, Khatri-Chhetri A, Solomon D, Stirling C, Albanito F Publication: Science of the Total Environment Year: 2021
Apparent nitrogen recovery in milk and early dry season nitrous oxide emission factors for urine deposited by dual-purpose cattle on different soil types Author: Durango Morales SG, Barahona R, Bolívar Vergara DM, Arango J, Verchot L, Chirinda N Publication: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems Year: 2021
Enteric methane mitigation and fermentation kinetics of forage species from Southern Mexico: in vitro screening Author: Valencia-Salazar S, Jiménez-Ferrer G, Arango J, Molina-Botero I, Chirinda N, Piñeiro-Vázquez A, Jiménez-Ocampo R, Nahed-Toral J, Kú-Vera J, Publication: Agroforestry Systems Year: 2021
La importancia de los árboles: Rendición de cuentas sobre las contribuciones de los sistemas silvopastoriles a los inventarios nacionales de GEI Author: Suber M, Arango J, Torres CF, Rosenstock Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2020
Trees matter: Accounting for silvopastoral systems’ contributions to national GHG inventories Author: Suber M, Arango J, Torres CF, Rosenstock Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2020
Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions from cattle, sheep and goats in Ethiopia (1994-2018) calculated using the IPCC Tier 2 approach Author: Wilkes A, Wassie SE, Tadesse M, Assefa B, Abu M, Ketema A, Solomon D Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2020
A framework for identifying country-specific MRV improvement needs in the livestock sector: Lessons from Kenya, Ethiopia and Nigeria Author: Wilkes A, Wassie SE, Dijkman J Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2020
Scaling up the use of low-emissions development (LED) research outputs in Vietnam: Co-design of LED research priorities, outputs, and impact pathways for emissions reduction from the livestock sector Author: Khatri-Chhetri A, Anh LH, Huong HTT, Huyen LTT, Huong NTL, Wollenberg E Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2020
Scaling up the use of low-emissions development (LED) research outputs in Colombia: Linking science to policy for supporting country’s LED agriculture Author: Khatri-Chhetri A, Bohorquez V, Martinez-Barón D, Wollenberg E Publication: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Year: 2020